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tv   The FOX Report With Shepard Smith  FOX News  August 16, 2013 4:00pm-5:01pm PDT

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[ laughter ] >> john: did you get the sense they did more than search for the pot? >> thanks for watching "special report." i'm john roberts. good night from washington. have a great weekend. see you sunday morning. >> shepard: this is "the fox report." tonight, cancer doctor scam. accused lying to patients, giving them theme mow they didn't even need and now the victims' families are taking action. plus, the new nsa documents. they are -- their spy something worse than we ever knew they have read our emails and listened to our phone calls thousands of times a year. simple mistakes or a pattern of abuse. tonight, the latest leak about the nsa. and, a paralimp i don't
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paraolympian denied a chance because she could walk again some day. >> i didn't expect this at all. it's pretty shocking. >> they landed her a loss tonight before she could even get in the game. still, this teenager isn't finished with her fight. plus, it's been cloaked in mystery since its creation. >> welcome to area 51. >> now the cia decleafs documents that show what really went on at area 51. why are some sections still a secret? and that is first from fox this friday night. no little green men. no flying saucers. but after decades of denying that area 51 exists now an admission. the documents prove it is very real. but the conspiracy theories are going nowhere. not by a long shot. area 51 is the then secret base in the middle of the nevada desert. about 90 miles north of vegas. the documents that the cia just declassified confirm what many of us have nope
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for years. that the base was the site of secret spy plane programs. those documents don't mention any aliens. much to the chagrin of molder and skully. moon lake area 51 where the military has conducted. >> past 50 years. >> classified experiments involving extra terrestrial technology. >> shepard: folks have been speculating about the area of 51 for decades. trace gallagher is live in our west coast news hub this afternoon. first, tell us more about what these reports detail. >> well, they also reveal, shep, about the u.s. building these secrets u 2 spy planes to spy on the soviets and cold war. the report is 400 pages long and gives very detailed information about the planes, the pilots, even the top secret crashes. the u 2s flew at 60,000 feet which was much higher than any plane had ever flown. when people saw them they
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thought they were seeing ufo's. listen to movie tone news back in the day. >> they are seeing flying saucers everywhere. lots of fantastics disks flying through the air. is there something to it or is it an epidemic of people just seeing things? >> of course, the government explained it away as a national or a natural phenomena but now experts applaud the feds for partially coming clean. listen. >> it also opens the possibility of getting more information about area 51 and programs conducted there because until you acknowledge that it exists, you can't discuss activities that took place there as having taken place there. >> the b 2's and ox car planes were built. it was designed to fly three and a half times the speed of sound. unheard of back in the 1950s, shep. >> shepard: all of that was decades and decades ago. what have they been doing there the last 40 years?
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>> that's a good point. the report only goes from 1954 to it 1974. the last 40 years still very unclear. certainly they are still handling black projects out there. they called them black projects because they are not funding congressional oversight with the funding there. the money sneaks in the back door. even the report that was released was heavily redacted. there is still quite a bit of mystery in first 20 years fueling a lot of speculation about ufos and alien autopsies. experts say do not expect too much more transparency. listen. >> it doesn't tell us that they are going to start declassifying other other area 51 efforts and certainly nobody should expect to be invited for tour area 51 any time soon. >> even back in the day, shep, they lied to the engineers to get them out there to recruit them instead of taking them out in the middle of the desert. they told them they were taking them to a place called paradise ranch.
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shep? >> shepard: trace gallagher on area 51 from l.a. another -- first of all, if you would like to check out those declassified cia documents for yourself. the national security archive has posted them online. we have a link at it's right under the top story section. now, to that new bombshell from the nsa leaker. the "the washington post" newspaper revealing today new documents from ed snowden. and they show that our government has been illegally reading our emails and listening to our phone calls for years. i'm not talking terror suspects here. innocent citizens. people who did nothing wrong were accuse offed of doing nothing wrong it. it could have happened to any of us, thousands of times. ed snowden gave top secret documents to the "the washington post" according to the report. the national security agency broke privacy rules repeatedly to snoop on americans. happened again and again. it apparently happened every year since the nsa surveillance program began back in 2008. some of the cases were
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simple mistakes like wrong phone numbers. so the government tracked the wrong people. but other cases were much more serious like the nsa apparently ignoring a court order. in one case, the nsa started a new surveillance program without that court's approval. they cannot do that. and when the court finally found out about it, the court slapped down the program as unconstitutional but by then, the sketchy and completely illegal practices had been going on for many months. nsa officials say we shouldn't worry that the thousands and thousands and thousands of abuses are juz a fraction of all the emails and phone calls they are tracking. agency official says, quote: when nsa makes a mistake carrying out its foreign intelligence mission, the agency reports the issue internally to federal overseers and aggressively gets to the bottom of it. in other words, the government polices the government. but as for those federal oversears, congress apparently knew absolutely nothing about these abuses. according to the documents,
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nsa staffers were ordered to remove many details from reports that went to oversight agencies such as the justice department. they can't do that. at one point, nsa officials even decided they didn't need to report on these abuses at all. fox news asked the justice department officials for a comment. we got nothing. wendell goler is traveling with the president on march that's vineyard for us tonight. wendell? >> shepard, late today a spokesman traveling with the president said mr. obama is determined to strike the right balance between protecting security and protecting the privacy of americans. but the fact that the nation's most secretive spy agency briefed reporters today, also suggests mr. obama is desperate to rebuild public confidence in it. the nsa says most of the improper data collection involved cell phones that had had been tracking overseas whose owners brought them back into the u.s. without the agency realizing it but in one instance, the nsa intended to track phones in egypt, country code 20 and the
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computer read area code 202. that's washington, d.c. martin gellman broke the story. >> so it's an innocent mistake. it demonstrates however, the ease of which the nsa either by accidental or can pull in volumes of communications. >> mistakes reflect a tiny fraction of their operations but they say they take every mistake seriously. shepard? >> shepard: wendell goler from martha's vineyard tonight. more people think that the nsa surveillance program will hurt americans than it will help catch terrorists. we conducted a poll last month long before today's revelation. 47 percent said they thought the snooping would hurt. compare that to 41% who believe it would help fight terror. in egypt, the muslim brotherhood's day of rage has left dozens more dead in the streets of the capital.
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bullets blasted through the streets of cairo. amateur video caught protesters jumping off a bridge to escape the gunfire. muslim brotherhood calling for people to continue the demonstrations for a whole week. the rage coming after riot police cracked down on protesters who wereup set about the military coup that booted president mohammed morsi from office. now armed civilians and plain clothes cops are fighting protesters in the streets. police stations reportedly under attack and the most pop police arab nation on the planet is dropping deeper into chaos. jennifer griffin on this story live from the pentagon. jennifer? >> shepard, the general who is calling the shots in egypt is well known to u.s. officials and the pentagon. general abdul studied in the united states at the army war college in carlisle pennsylvania in 2006. he was brought here to
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study democracy. known as a great listener, he encountered many u.s. military officers who had just returned from a very bruising experience in iraq. shareef if a was his instructor. >> i remember him as a very quiet, polite, reflective contemplative individual and he is not, in my opinion, a dictator. >> he wrote a research paper on democracy in the middle east. quote: there are those who believe that democratic rule can coexist with the religious nature of the middle eastern societies. however, on the other hand, there are knows who believe that the tribal culture of the middle eastern countries may not be suitable for democratic rule as too many factions will emerge. it seems the muslim brotherhood is one of those factions, shep. >> shepard: jennifer, the violence in egypt is forcing some companies to suspend operations there. toyota, general motors, is a suzukiy among the places
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closing down plants. more on that coming up inside fox report. now to the doctor accused of giving toxic chemotherapy treatment to people whether they needed it or not so that he could scam the government. in a big way. former patients and their families have formed a support group now and they say they are exploring legal options. that doctor diagnosed people with cancer and gave chemo treatments that they did not need in order to steal $35 million in medicare claims from the government. they say the scam took place over a two year period. the doctor's attorney says the claims against his clients are false. i spoke with a member of that support group today on "studio b." he says his father seen here had cancer and died in 2008 and received chemotherapy from doctor. >> make the office staff member would come out to the parking structure where my father had his car and they would actually administer the chemotherapy right there in the garage as he sat in thinks car.
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>> as a matter of convenience. federal agents arrested that doctor out of detroit last week. a judge set bond at $9 million as prosecutors argue the doctor has so much money and some resources he could easily leaf this country. she was face-to-face with the accused food shooter when her gun run out of ammunition or ran out i should say. ahead, dramatic testimony from a police officer who helped stop that massacre. plus, 16 women have so far come forward to accuse the san diego mayor bob filner of sexual harassment but tonight, he has a whole new problem on his hands. and city council members say it could be just what they need to get him out of the mayor's office. that's coming up from the journalists of fox news on this friday fox report. when yod starts a fight, fight back fast with tums. trusted heartburn relief that goes to work in seconds.
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it's a reality check. i had my reality check when i'd be sitting there with my friends who had their verizon phones and i'd be sitting there like "mine's still loading!" i couldn't get email. i couldn't stream movies. i couldn't upload any of our music. that's when i decided to switch. now that i'm on verizon, everything moves fast. with verizon, i have that reliability. i'm completely happy with verizon. verizon's 4g lte is the most reliable and in more places than any other 4g network. period. that's powerful. verizon. get the nokia lumia 928 for free. folks have suffered from frequent heartburn. butetting heartburn and then treating day after day is a thing of the past. block the acid with prilosec otc, and don't get heartburn in the first place. [ male announcer ] one pill each morning 24 hours. zero heartburn. >> shepard: one of two police officers who helped take counsel the accused
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fort hood shooter today testified that major nidal hasan stood over her during a dramatic confrontation in which both of their guns stopped firing. remember, those officers shot and paralyzed major hasan outside of the medical building where he is accused of injuring 13 people and wounding 30 in 2009. prosecutors today also played dash cam video that shows the officer who testified heading into that final confrontation. major hasan has been representing himself touring the trial and lawyers on stand by to help him have claimed he seems to be trying to get the death penalty. james rosen with the rest of this story from washington tonight. james? >> shep, good evening, army major nidal hasan denies that allegation but has thus far posed virtually no challenge to the prosecution's first 77 witnesses. former fort hood police officer kimberly munley was one of the star witnesses thus far testifying today how she and hasan at one point were firing blindly at one another. hasan shot munley three times. kicked her weapon away and moved in for the kill. i see her standing over me
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trying to fire his weapon as well. his is not firing. earlier the court heard from fbi special agent donna cowly who showed up at his apartment trlg was almost entirely empty except a card table, a prayer rug and fax machine. outside the building where the shootings occurred. a bailiff walked over to hasan and showed him the very gun that was used to shoot and paralyze him. in all, 76 shellings and two magazines were retrieved from the crime scene. one of the magazines still had 28 live rounds in it. shep? >> shepard: james, prosecutors today disclosed that they have at least another 15 witnesses to present before wrapping up early next week. those priewrgts say the witnesses will include former classmates and supervisors of major hasan as well as experts on how somebody can become radicalized. a new headache tonight for the san diego mayor bob filner. and this time it has nothing to do with harassing women. the city council is set to hold a meeting this month
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to consider booth him from office for misusing his city credit card. a total of 16 women have come forward to claim mayor filner sexually harassed them. hugged them, groped them and kissed them against their will. still the mayor refuses to resign. now san diego city council members cite a rule that allows them to remove any official from office misusing funds. ran up a credit card for $11,000 and did not turn in receipts. nearly 1,000 was for personal purchases. his chief of staff cancelled the cards two weeks ago. a very tense scene in one big city today where police say a guy rigged some propane tanks to explode and fired his gun. and that was after they say he shot and killed a woman, all the details ahead. plus, a major set back for a paralimpic champion. they will not allow her to compete this time because
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>> shepard: gold winning fleet in the paraolympics kicked out this year because the doctors say there is a chance that she may not be permanently paralyzed. this is 18-year-old victoria arlen. she is a wheelchair can't feel anything from the waist down. despite that she has won four medals in swimming at the pair la olympics. some experts tell the paraolympic committee that she might be able to walk again in a few years, maybe, with some help from physical therapy. so the organization disqualified her from the paraolympic world championships in montreal. a decision she calls devastating. >> i mean there is a chance for everyone with a lot of
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rehab and different technologies that are coming out for spinal cord injuries. there is hope. i'm always looking for hope. basically is what happened is i was penalize god are having hope. >> shepard: she has had hope ever since she woke up from a three year coma and found herself paralyzed. but that for now she shouldn't be prevented from competing with other disabled swimmers. rick leventhal has been following our story and is here with the rest of it. it is mighty sad. >> it is, shepard. she has been through this before. the ipc tried to ban her last year. she won her appeal and swam and won three gold in london. there will be no medal ceremony. the game started monday without her. she is essentially in athletic limbo. too paralyzed to swim in standard competitions and deementd not paralyzed enough permanently to compete in the olympics. after reviewing the report of the ipc says she failed to provide conclusive evidence of a permanent eligible impairment.
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she suffered rare neurological disorders as a child that put her in a coma and unable to use her legs. she it wasn't actually got back in the poll. she was in montreal and ready to defend her title. she was devastatinged by the news that she couldn't. >> my condition, it hasn't changed. i have been paralyzed for seven years and, if anything, you know, my condition has worsened a little bit. >> victoria and her family say they will appeal again. they hope that she can swim in the paraolympics next year and maybe, maybe walk one day. >> shepard: let's hope. >> yeah. >> shepard: nice to see you, rick. >> you too. >> it's been only nine months since the last presidential election and already the republicans say they are fearing up for the next one. today they made a decision that could impact where you will watch the candidates debate in 2015 and 2016. plus, a judge ruled new york cops are violating civil rights when they pat people down without reasonable suspicion that they did anything wrong. so what will new york city do about it? we just found out. but, first, former crew
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members from the uss intrepid are visiting new york city this weekend to mark the aircraft carrier's 70th anniversary. >> fired every time ---i'm really proud. >> shepard: with good reason. that ship and her sailors have an extraordinary record of service to our nation. on august the 126th, 1943, the navy formally commissioned the intrepid and she joined the military's fleet. within a matter of months. she was in pearl harbor. and her crew was preparing to invade the marshall islands. intrepid survived multiple come my causey attacks during world war ii. including this one in 1944 that killed 16 of the crew. years later, intrepid served as nasa's recovery ship for the mercury and gemini space programs. >> the end of the sea drama as carpenter and his rescuers head for the firm deck of the carrier intrepid. >> shepard: a few years later the intrepid was off the coast of vietnam searching sky hawks and sky
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raiders on the bombing missions during three tours of duty. the intrepid officially retired from service in 1973. within a decade, it found new york city home and an air and space museum, since then, millions have toured her decks. and just last year, the space shuttle enterprise joined the intrepid's collection. one more reason for you to visit and check out a ship that has spent 70 years in service to america. and we'll be right back. then get the cars ready. now add the dodge part. ♪ the dodge summer clearance event. right now get 0% financing for to 72 months and no payments for 90 days on all dodge vehicles.
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>> shepard: first the shootings and then propane tank explosives. shot a woman and wounded another. when cops finally approached him. he fired one shot at those makeshift explosives filled propane twanks gunpowder. the police chief says that shot detonated one of the devices but thankfully nobody got hurt. the suspect now critical at a hospital after one of the officers shot him. you can see a bomb technician examining propane tanks. they also discovered a hand grenade at the scene. in the end, nobody got hurt. i'm shepard smith. and this is the fox report. it's the bottom of the hour. time for the top of thous. television networks can either air a movie about hillary clinton or the republican presidential candidates' debate but not both. that's the ultimatum now that republican leaders established today voting unanimously to boycott
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president debates on nbc and cnn. the two networks are working on separate programs focusing on the former secretary of state and first lady. carl cameron on the top story at the bottom of the hour. he is he live outside the hotel where the rnc has been meeting in boston. carl, this is an interesting decision. the republican national committee chairman ryan priebus has been complaining about two networks doing promotional videos 2016 in which hillary clinton is likely to be the frontrunner and likely candidate. having said that today when they brought it before the republican national committee it was unanimous voice vote. mr. priebus made a forceful case to make sure that they get what they want, which is no promotion of hillary clinton before these movies. listen. >> we're done putting up with this nonsense. there are plenty of other news outlets. [applause] we'll still reach voters, maybe more voters. but cnn and nbc anchors will just have to watch on
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their competitors' networks. >> cnn and nbc have said that the critics, these republicans should hold judgment until they get a little bit more further down the road with the production because, in both cases they haven't even begun the scripts. what priebus wants to do and what republicans today do try to control how many debates there will be. when they will be held and potentially hot moderators will be. all of those have essentially been by the broadcast and sometimes with partners at the local level whether it's state republicans or others involved in the political process. the idea that the political parties themselves would be making this judgment is a first time attempt and still very much up in the airs to whether or not the rnc will get anywhere with any of the networks. something down the road and something they plan to tackle in the months ahead, shep. >> as you know, new jersey governor chris christie appeared that meeting yesterday. today he approved legislation that would make it easier for children to get medical marijuana. new jersey is one of 19 states that allows chronically ill children to have pot.
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today, the governor approved part of a bill that would allow for ingestible forms of the drug. but he also vetoed some parts of the bill. state lawmakers have to approve those changes before he can sign it into law. a judge in pennsylvania has barred that state from enforcing its very strict and controversial voter i.d. law in the next election. the law would have required voters to present a photo identification at the voting booth. the judge's ruling also stops the state from requiring local election officials to verbally tell voters that photo ids could be required from future elections. november 5th will mark the third straight election in which a court has blocked enforcement of that pennsylvania law. right now, it faces a constitutional challenge in the courts. >> continuing coverage now of the deadly day of rage in egypt and some big named companies are now telling workers in the region to stay home. they include shell, toyota, and general motors, which employs some 1400 workers there. g.m. is has shut down all of its operations in egypt
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for the time being, including this plant near cairo. they assemble cars and light trucks there. more than 60 people reported dead across egypt today on top of the hundreds killed and thousands hurt earlier this week. the muslim brotherhood at the forefront of today's demonstrations after egypt's military overthrew the president there, mohammed moralsy last month and cleared not one but two protest camps in cairo this week. leland i have the terd live in our middle east newsroom this morning. leland? >> shep, the muslim brotherhood's day of rage certainly lived up to its name and it is continuing into the night. 1:30 in the morning there in cairo right now. and there are still people on the street to find martial law and a military curfew. tanks and armored personnel carriers. also there it all kicked off today, just afternoon prayers in cairo. tens of thousands of people came out of the mosques and flooded down towards one of the main squares there. there were gunmen on both sides. the army side, the muslim brotherhood side and then
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there was a third side for the first time we are seeing civilians, residents of cairo getting involved in this. they are angry with the muslim brotherhood and started taking shots at them. the brotherhood itself seems emboldened by today's violence. they are calling for a week long set of protests. on the other hand, given today's violence, that -- those protests may look more like an armed insurrection than anything else. the army is thinking of declaring the muslim brotherhood a terrorist organization. shep? >> shepard: leland as all of this is going on the economy is in shambles. for proof look no more than foreign investments. outside countries infused nearly $11 billion in egypt's economy. that number has s plummeted to 1 billion first nine months of the last fiscal year. remember the u.s. and money under debate for its preliminary now in egypt's military. new york city is fighting new restrictions on the police department's stop and frisk policy that targets minorities. a federal judge this week
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ordered changes to the tactic. actually, the accusation has been that it targets minorities. that's the reason everybody is upset or those who are upset. and the tactic includes more training and supervision for officers. new york citi' mayor says her ruling will make it harder to fight crime. now, city lawyers have filed a notice that they plan to appeal. officers have stopped and frisked roughly 5 million people over the past deck at a. police statistics show that about 90% of the stops end without an arrest. at least two people are dead and more than a dozen others hurt after enormous highway pileup that tops our news around the world in 80 seconds. arson tina. officials say thick smoke from a nearby grass fire shrouded a busy road near buenas aries and triggered the national crash. crews started the fire intentionally as part of a land burnoff operation. authorities say at least 20 cars collided. many of them totaled.
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>> new zealand. a magnitude 6.5 earthquake collapsed homes and damaged a bridge on the south island. [siren] folks in the north island say they also felt the trimmers. authorities say the initial quake struck around 2:30 in the afternoon. several aftershocks reportedly followed with a magnitude of five or higher. nobody got hurt. it happened about 170 miles north of christ church where a deadly quake killed more than 180 people back in 2011. south korea. tens of thousands of tourists are flocking to underground park near seoul that used to be a long abandoned mine. the park features hands on mining exhibits and an arts palace where visitors can enjoy live concerts and 3-d movies. brazil, the annual rodeo festival kicking off in south pal low. officials say they expect about a million people it to show up. the 11 day event features a bull riding competition which offers some $320,000
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in prizes. that's a wrap on this fox trip around the world in 80 seconds. >> around the world is brought to you by verizon. getting the best back-to-school deals on devices. that's powerful. >> shepard: federal investigators say they have now recovered some data from the flight recorders on that u.p.s. jet that crashed on wednesday and killed two crew members. next, what they say happened in the last moments before the crash inside that cockpit. plus, a new development in the alex rodriguez saga. now, he has more than doping accusations on his plate. but, first, how about a weekend first alert forecast? our chief meteorologist rick reichmuth in the extreme weather center. how are you doing? >> doing good. if you are across the southeast, get ready, because what you have been seeing the last few days is not really going to incorporate that. in fact, pretty much all the action across the country is centered right here across the southeast. it's where it's been. we have had a front that's been stalled out here and now unfortunately we are going to get a lot more rain, i think this week. some areas 3 to 5 inches. in fact over the last couple of days a lot of areas most to the south of
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the atlanta area that have seen well over 4 inches of rain. flooding going on right now. you really have had so much rain all summer long. and now there is this tropical kind of mess out across parts of the gulf. we don't think this is going to develop into anything concerning tropical wise. all of this moisture is headed back towards areas of the southeast. over the weekend we're going to be seeing another batch of a good 3 to 5 inches of rain and a few areas may be seeing 6 or 7 inches of rain. the flooding is going to be a big concern. atlanta today, temps didn't get out of the 60's. very, very cool, in fact, it's the coolest temperature for this day since you go in towards the early 80's. take a look at your temps tomorrow. nice day across the northeast, southeast, still very cool and down across the west, man, we are still baking 111 in phoenix. that's from the fox weather center right now. fox report will be right back. y to savory. [ man ] you cannot make a bad choice.
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there is no evidence of engine failure. meanwhile, one birmingham nonprofit that lost nearly $150,000 worth of merchandise on that jet is now trying to help the families of those killed in the crash. jonathan serrie with the news. he is in our southeast news brewer row tonight, john that? >> hi, shep. u.s.a. sells t-shirts and handbags produced by women from india rescued from human trafficking. 13,000 handbags. their entire fall inventory aboard u.p.s. flight 1354. the packages were insured but the employees haters went out to the families of captain behl jr. and first officer shanda fanning the
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two pilots who died in the crash. listen. >> our women are really devastated for the families of the pilots and they have been told. i really just want to do whatever they can to undergird them and support them. >> so, free set u.s.a. is selling t-shirts and pledged to donate 100% of the profits to the pilot families. on sale at set this is the opportunity to make good out of a terrible tragedy. shep? >> shepard: jonathan u.s.a. free set yaws -- u.s.a. pays double the salary. that's really unheard of there, especially for women who were once part of the sex trade. well, a couple of stories now from the world of baseball. starting with murder charges against the son of a boston red sox broadcaster. officials report i should say prosecutors report gerald remy stabbed his girlfriend at their apartment last night.
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according to the cops. they apparently had a violent past. he had just gotten out of jail for allegedly assaulting her. he pled not guilty to court today. jared remi is the son of the long time boston red sox commentator jared realmy. there is also a new development in the alex rodriguez saga. is he already fighting allegations of being a doper. now it appears he is a snitch as well. 60 mince from cbs citing unidentified sources who claim a rod's friends and inner circle leaked documents which implicate other baseball players in a recent doping scandal. one of them his own teenager francisco survelly -- i should say teammate not teenager. those other players have all accepted suspensions. a rod continues to play. in fact, is he playing right now against the red sox in boston. fox new national ned works, the fox sports one is scheduled to debut tomorrow at long last. every major distributer is on board. making this the biggest sports cable network launch
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in the history of this nation. and one of the biggest network launches we have ever seen. fox sports one hits the air 6:00 eastern time in the morning with the college football preview show. it's coming. only a week await a minute the network will air college football and basketball games. its first week will also feature nascar race. some ufc mixed martial arts fights and european soccer matches. fox sports one. cannot wait. when an actor ran into trouble during the broadway show about spiderman. the theater had to bring in the fire department who rescue him. ahead what went wrong and what they had to do to save the guy playing spidy. hot spot and gruesome crime scene. the versace mansion is for sale on south beach. for the first time we are getting a look inside one of the most expensive homes in this nation and that's next. th my friends who had their verizon phones and i'd be sitting there like
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female narrator: the mattress price wars are on the mattress price wars are on at sleep train. we challenged the manufacturers to offer even lower prices. now it's posturepedic versus beautyrest with big savings of up to $400 off. serta icomfort and tempur-pedic go head-to-head with three years' interest-free financing. plus, free same-day delivery, set-up, and removal of your old set. when brands compete, you save. mattress price wars are on now at sleep train. ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪
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>> shepard: producers of the broadway music call spiderman, turn off the dark say the show will go on this evening after one of the actors who sometimes plays spiderman was seriously injured last night. according to the report, the performer fell through --rapped door secondly shortly after the second act began and became caught in the stage. stopped the show. rescue teams tworkd saw the actor out of the floor. they rushed him to a local hospital. a spokesman for the show tells fox news that the actor is still in the hospital tonight in stable condition. the spokesman also reports they are still investigating the cause of the incident but that equipment malfunction was not a factor. back in 2010. another stunt man playing spider man at the time fell 20 to 30 feet. his injuries included a cracked skull. we are getting a one-time look inside the elaborate mansion of the late fashion designer gee anna versace
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as the home's current owners prepare to put it on the auction block. became infamous after the serial killer murdered gianni on the front steps of that property on miami beach. the killer was 27 years old at the time on the right of the screen here. police say he murdered at least five people that year, including investor sach which i on the left. police launched a massive hand hunt for the suspect in sweltering temperature it was an awful thing. i was there for it we covered it extensively. just nine days later they say he killed himself. now one of the most iconic homes in all miami beach. 23,000 square foot mansion suspect for sale. it comes with 10 bedrooms, 11 bathrooms, marble floors as well as a massive pool lined with 24 karat gold tiles. the estimated value, 125 million, give or take. phil keating is on south beach tonight. how about a tour, p.k.? the tour begins outside
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world famous ocean side. if you don't mind tourists outside of your house taking photos all day long and you are super rich, enter right here. >> this property is one of the most iconic properties worldwide. it is real estate mona lisa. >> and art is everywhere. this is genie investor sach which i's master suite with king size bed and opulent al coves. he designed this house for himself and his friends like elton john and madonna. this is her room which features only bathtub. >> high egos and a lot of money. could go sky is the limit. >> and being that this is south beach, after all. the backyard pool area, of course, made for parties. investor sach which i imported a thousand mosaic tiles from europe for the pool.
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and inside you can see the sparkling 24 karat gold squares. >> quick walk to the clevelander. the investor sach which i mansion is considered one of the country's most expensive homes 125 million. the auction set to take place on september the 17th. sources say it will be closed to all us commoners. the wealthy businessman who turned his penthouse apartment into a mountain peak has begun tearing it down piece by piece. the owner spent the last 6 years building this complex of rooms and rocks and shrubs on top a high rise in china. look here. the guy apparently did most of the construction himself at night. neighbors say they have complained for years that the illegal dwelling was damaging the building's structural integrity and its pipe system causing leaks all over the place. officials this week gave the man 15 days to demolish this master piece or they long. do it for him. laptops in class can actually hurt students' grades? and even the grades of
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folks sitting nearby the kids with the laptops that's from a new study. they found students who brought only a pencil and paper to it a lecture performed worse on a quiz if they were simply near somebody with a laptop. distractions. today on "studio b" this could leave schools with a tough choice because even if they limit the availability of internet in class, students could still find ways to distract themselves. >> you would have kids on solitary. you would have kids open and closing applications just for the heck of it. it would still prove to be a distraction i think. there isn't really any good answer here. >> shepard: the study appears in the journal computers and education. well, plenty of americans kick off their mornings with a cup of joe but there is word too much of the stuff could shorten your life. eh, coffee, next. and 100% real cheddar cheese. but what makes stouffer's mac n' cheese best of all.
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usaa. we know what it means to serve. help the gulf when we made recover and learn the gulf, bp from what happened so we could be a better, safer energy company. i can tell you - safety is at the heart of everything we do. we've added cutting-edge technology, like a new deepwater well cap and a state-of-the-art monitoring center, whe experts watch over all drilling activity twenty-four-seven. and we're sharing what we've learned, so we can all produce energy more safely. our commitment has never been stronger. see, i knew testosterone could affect sex drive, but not energy or even my mood. that's when i talked with my doctor. he gave me some blood tests... showed it was low t. that's it. it was a number. [ male announcer ] today, men with low t have androgel 1.62% testosterone gel. the #1 prescribed topical testosterone replacement therapy increases testosterone when used daily. women and children should avoid contact with application sites.
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discontinuandrogel and call your doctor if you see unexpected signs of early puberty in a child, or signs in a woman, which may include changes in body hair or a large increase in acne, possibly due to accidental exposure. men with breast cancer or who have or might have prostate cancer, and women who are or may become pregnant or are breast-feeding, should not use androgel. serious side effects include worsening of an enlarged prostate, possible increased ris of prostate cancer, lower sperm count, swelling of ankles, feet, or body, enlarged or painful breasts, problems breathing during sleep, and blood clots in the legs. tell your doctor about your medical condition and medications, especially iulin, corticosteroids, or medicines to decrease blood clotting. in a clinical study, over 80% of treated men had their t levels restored to normal. talk to your doctor about all your symptoms. get the blood tests. change your number. turn it up. androgel 1.62%. >> shepard: another coffee study the more you drink
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the sooner you die. that's the word from researchers. track 34,000 people for 16 years. the study found those who drink 28 cups of coffee a week are likely to die earlier than those who drink less than 28 cups. researchers say the risk is higher in people younger than 5 a other studies shown that coffee can reduce the risk are of cancer and heart failures so do what you do. before we go, our team's top five things of the day. number a. russian cosmonauts conducted nearly 7 hours space walk to link cables for a new lab that's due to arrive at the international space station. number four, officials are evacuated 600 homes in idaho as wildfires burn near a popular ski resort. word that growing violence across egypt has killed 60 people during what the muslim brotherhood call a day of rage. number two, documents that nsa leaker ed snowden gave to the "the washington post" newspaper u.s. government thousands of violations a year. number one newly declassified documents the
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cia finally acknowledges area 51s to exist. though there is no mention of aliens, and that's "the fox report's" top five. on this day in 1974. punk rock lit up the stage in downtown manhattan. the band was the ramons and venue cbgbs. stunned the crowd with a wall of noise and look that was all black leather jackets, beat up sneakers and tattered jeans, definitely not hippies. the ramon's buzz saw song inspired many to start their own brands. one of music's biggest movements would spread around the world but the ramons got the punk rock rolling 39 years ago today. i will say let's go. it's time for the weekend. i hope you have a great one. now you know the news for this friday, august the
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16th, 2013. i'm shepard smith. for all of us in the fox family, thanks for trusting us for your newsenned info. the o'reilly factor is coming right up. ♪ >> laura: the o'reilly factor is on. tonight: >> to me it's ridiculous to look at that case and not think that race was involved. >> laura: oprah winfrey weighs in on the george zimmerman verdict. wait until you hear what she has to say about the n word. will her words help heal or add to the racial division in america? >> america is not interested in spying on ordinary people. >> also, did the president mislead the american people on the nsa scandal? the spy agency now commits it broke privacy rules thousands of times a year. have they been spying on you? he we will have a factor investigation. >> the first thing that happened to me at the hotel is i got escorted


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